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Identity Discovery

I love reading and writing books. I am a book blogger, but I am also a published author, mom, wife, and homemaker.
Winters Heat - Cristin Harber I love the multiple meanings the name of this book has. The description caught my interest right away. While it isn't something I have been picking up to read as of late, it is something I would have read before I started writing book reviews. This is a story full of heat, adventure, excitement, and romance. It pretty much has a little of everything you could want in a romance novel.

Mia is a psychologist and Colby is an ex-military man out to do good. Mia just has some serious bad luck in getting caught up in an international incident. What was supposed to be Colby stopping by the airport to pick up a simple package ended up being him rescuing Mia from a Columbian team out for the same package. They end up spending days trying to get her to safety at the Columbian lord decides that not only does he want the package, but he also wants Mia just because she made his life difficult. You will be in love with the things that Colby does to keep her safe. In the midst of everything, they find themselves in each other arms. Is it all from the adrenaline and the stressful situations? Or will Colby and Mia find true happiness with one another. You'll have to read to find out.

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Mirror Deep - Joss Landry A mystery well worth reading! This book is full of romance, tension, and mystery. Kat is basically a horse whisperer. She knows ways to get horses to calm down and take to their training with very little effort on her part. This is due to having grown up on a horse farm and taking part in the training classes, dressage events, and pretty much everything else you can imagine a place like that would have. The only thing she didn't really have a part in was the paperwork that kept the place running. Her parents raised her to be one with the horses. However, her life is twisted out of her control. She finds out that she is adopted and sadly, her birth mother has just passed away. In an attempt to connect with her real family, Kat is thrust into several murder investigations. She becomes a target herself, but no one knows why because until recently no one even knew that she existed. I mean that to mean that no record of her birth was kept on file and her adoption was so private that even the lawyer involved happens to be her "uncle." 

I loved how the characters interacted with one another and how sweet the romance blossomed within the story. Everything felt very real and I felt like I knew the characters well enough to not only understand their actions, but sometimes predict them as well. I don't always like mysteries because I tend to figure out "who dunnit" before I am even halfway through the book. That is not the case with this one. I don't think I figured it out until I was about 90% through the story. I loved everything about this book.

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Mirror Deep - Joss Landry A mystery well worth reading! This book is full of romance, tension, and mystery. Kat is basically a horse whisperer. She knows ways to get horses to calm down and take to their training with very little effort on her part. This is due to having grown up on a horse farm and taking part in the training classes, dressage events, and pretty much everything else you can imagine a place like that would have. The only thing she didn't really have a part in was the paperwork that kept the place running. Her parents raised her to be one with the horses. However, her life is twisted out of her control. She finds out that she is adopted and sadly, her birth mother has just passed away. In an attempt to connect with her real family, Kat is thrust into several murder investigations. She becomes a target herself, but no one knows why because until recently no one even knew that she existed. I mean that to mean that no record of her birth was kept on file and her adoption was so private that even the lawyer involved happens to be her "uncle." 

I loved how the characters interacted with one another and how sweet the romance blossomed within the story. Everything felt very real and I felt like I knew the characters well enough to not only understand their actions, but sometimes predict them as well. I don't always like mysteries because I tend to figure out "who dunnit" before I am even halfway through the book. That is not the case with this one. I don't think I figured it out until I was about 90% through the story. I loved everything about this book.

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Dressed in White - Jessica  Gibson Lorelei knows that her life is about to change. In the beginning of this story, she knows that her four year anniversary with Dillon is either going to result in a proposal or the end of their relationship. She hasn't put any demands on him to propose, but Dillon's strange behavior has her worried. Everyone else in her life is convinced that they are meant to be though. When the actual day comes, the inevitable happens and Lorelei is happily engaged. This is where things start to go down hill. The very next morning, a woman shows up at their home announcing that she is Dillon's wife, a claim that Dillon cannot deny. What is Lorelei to do? Stay with the man she loves while his divorce is worked out or leave him for his dishonesty?

This little hiccup is not the only one that Dillon and Lorelei encounter. His soon-to-be ex-wife causes all kinds of trouble causing Lorelei to continually doubt how honest Dillon has really been. Lorelei's sister Kayla also moves in with them announcing that she is pregnant and alone. Their jobs cause continuous stress, but nothing that threatens their upcoming nuptials.

I gave this book four roses because I liked it, but the characters kind of drove me nuts. In reality, they probably acted exactly like two people put in such a stressful situation would, but I just didn't like how Lorelei seems to always run away from her problems. She tries to leave Dillon a couple of times. The last time she does, I wanted to scream at her because Dillon was doing everything he could to remedy their situation. Otherwise, it has an interesting story.

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Dressed in White - Jessica  Gibson Lorelei knows that her life is about to change. In the beginning of this story, she knows that her four year anniversary with Dillon is either going to result in a proposal or the end of their relationship. She hasn't put any demands on him to propose, but Dillon's strange behavior has her worried. Everyone else in her life is convinced that they are meant to be though. When the actual day comes, the inevitable happens and Lorelei is happily engaged. This is where things start to go down hill. The very next morning, a woman shows up at their home announcing that she is Dillon's wife, a claim that Dillon cannot deny. What is Lorelei to do? Stay with the man she loves while his divorce is worked out or leave him for his dishonesty?

This little hiccup is not the only one that Dillon and Lorelei encounter. His soon-to-be ex-wife causes all kinds of trouble causing Lorelei to continually doubt how honest Dillon has really been. Lorelei's sister Kayla also moves in with them announcing that she is pregnant and alone. Their jobs cause continuous stress, but nothing that threatens their upcoming nuptials.

I gave this book four roses because I liked it, but the characters kind of drove me nuts. In reality, they probably acted exactly like two people put in such a stressful situation would, but I just didn't like how Lorelei seems to always run away from her problems. She tries to leave Dillon a couple of times. The last time she does, I wanted to scream at her because Dillon was doing everything he could to remedy their situation. Otherwise, it has an interesting story.

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Howling at the Moon - Karen MacInerney I love anything werewolf related, so this book was an instant attraction to me. It's the story of a lone werewolf who has believed herself to be all alone in the city of Austin, Texas. She has lived there for the majority of her life and only seen three werewolves one time each. She feels pretty safe with her secret as long as she has the four major full moons off from work. However everything is about to go wrong. Someone has discovered her secret even though she hasn't told anyone. They are sending her threats at work. To top that off, her meddling psychic witch for a mom has been arrested for murder. I am not using the term witch to mean a bad thing; she is literally a witch. She's meddling because you will come to discover that her mom has cast a spell to attract werewolves to the area in hopes that Sophie will discover that her kind isn't as bad as she has always felt. It causes some interesting situations that help and hinder her investigation into the crime her mother did not commit.

It's a very entertaining story. It's very well written. I thoroughly enjoyed the character development and the plot development. The only complaint I have is that I felt like some information was reiterated a few too many times. I think this was Karen MacInerney's way of showing how easily distracted Sophie was with everything going on around her, but I am not 100% certain. If you enjoy werewolves like I do, I definitely recommend this book.
Keeper of Reign - Emma Right Keeper of Reign is a young adult book that is appropriate for all ages. The story is about a family of Elfies, specifically the eldest son Jules. The world that the Elfies live in is wrought with danger. Jules discovers early that his grandparents have died leaving him to be the man of the household. His father is away guarding the borders from the Handoverans, a similar race of people that have also been tortured under the rule of their king. To make matters worse, someone attacks his home and kidnaps his mom. All signs point to the girl he has feelings for, but no evidence to support that she is traitor the Elfies. You are probably thinking, "How would she be a traitor to the entire race from the kidnapping on one woman?" Well Jules's mom is a Keeper, hence the name of the book. She has hidden in her possession a book that was written by their previous king in his own blood. From what I understand, it's a book of prophecy as well as codes, maps, history, and perhaps more. One book can give the reader a lot of information on the Elfies, but if you have all five, you could rule over everyone.

It was a very interesting story. Jules and his four siblings along with two friends have many crazy adventures. They certainly get hurt along the way, but it's all very realistic for what they go through without being something that you don't want your kid to read. My only complaint about the book is the length of the chapters. There were chapters that were only two kindle pages in length. This is done when it changes perspective between the main character and typically bad guys. It makes sense why it happens, but it drives me nuts. It makes me feel like the book is a lot longer than it is when it really is a reasonable length. You should know that not a single book, but it is not a cliffhanger either. It's definitely a great book for your preteens and teenagers.

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Learning to Trust (Learning Series - #1) - Cynthia P. O'Neill This is a straight up romance/erotica story. Nothing that happens in this book is considered vulgar so I can safely say that it probably won't offend anyone that is into this type of story. Laurel is graduating from college and ready to move as far away as possible in order to escape a very traumatic experience that has been haunting her for a long time now. She wants to find a job that will take her across the country even though it means leaving her family behind. It's the price one pays for running away from their past. When she first sees Garrett though, she discovers feelings she has never felt before coming alive. At first, this is a problem because she doesn't intend to stick around to find out what those feelings really are, but that all changes when he offers her a job in Orlando, FL...far far away from where she is now. He confesses having strong feelings for immediately and so their exploration begins.

The book is primarily about Laurel learning to trust Garrett's sexual desires. They are in a relationship, but she doesn't know what exactly to call it because in truth she knows next to nothing about him...well other than how to drive him crazy and to please him. It's not until very close to the end of the book that she learns his deep secret and decides that her trust in him was misplaced, that is until her past comes back to haunt her.

So what did I think of the book? It's very well written. If you want to read an arousing book, this would be a great one to look at. As for the story line, I found it pretty unbelievable. After the trauma that Laurel endured I didn't see how she would ever trust a man like Garrett. What I wasn't crazy about is that Garrett is a very domineering and controlling man. I can't picture a victim like Laurel ever trusting a man that is so controlling that he picks out her clothes for her every day. He is also is the type of guy to tell her exactly what to do and when in bed. I am not saying that it is nice to be dominated sometimes in bed, but not all the time or the way he does it. The way he talks during those times would make me feel violated. She claims to like it most of the time because she doesn't have to think at all, but this is a girl with a degree in a really advanced field of study. She's supposed to be super smart, but she allows him to control her. It is a source of confusion for her. I just don't think someone from a similar situation would ever allow that to happen unless she's truly going to be a victim all her life. There's a cliffhanger at the end which will probably force me to read the next book just because I want to see if this girl gets her act together and takes control of her life.

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Learning to Trust (Learning Series - #1) - Cynthia P. O'Neill This is a straight up romance/erotica story. Nothing that happens in this book is considered vulgar so I can safely say that it probably won't offend anyone that is into this type of story. Laurel is graduating from college and ready to move as far away as possible in order to escape a very traumatic experience that has been haunting her for a long time now. She wants to find a job that will take her across the country even though it means leaving her family behind. It's the price one pays for running away from their past. When she first sees Garrett though, she discovers feelings she has never felt before coming alive. At first, this is a problem because she doesn't intend to stick around to find out what those feelings really are, but that all changes when he offers her a job in Orlando, FL...far far away from where she is now. He confesses having strong feelings for immediately and so their exploration begins.

The book is primarily about Laurel learning to trust Garrett's sexual desires. They are in a relationship, but she doesn't know what exactly to call it because in truth she knows next to nothing about him...well other than how to drive him crazy and to please him. It's not until very close to the end of the book that she learns his deep secret and decides that her trust in him was misplaced, that is until her past comes back to haunt her.

So what did I think of the book? It's very well written. If you want to read an arousing book, this would be a great one to look at. As for the story line, I found it pretty unbelievable. After the trauma that Laurel endured I didn't see how she would ever trust a man like Garrett. What I wasn't crazy about is that Garrett is a very domineering and controlling man. I can't picture a victim like Laurel ever trusting a man that is so controlling that he picks out her clothes for her every day. He is also is the type of guy to tell her exactly what to do and when in bed. I am not saying that it is nice to be dominated sometimes in bed, but not all the time or the way he does it. The way he talks during those times would make me feel violated. She claims to like it most of the time because she doesn't have to think at all, but this is a girl with a degree in a really advanced field of study. She's supposed to be super smart, but she allows him to control her. It is a source of confusion for her. I just don't think someone from a similar situation would ever allow that to happen unless she's truly going to be a victim all her life. There's a cliffhanger at the end which will probably force me to read the next book just because I want to see if this girl gets her act together and takes control of her life.

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Rebel (Legend of the Spider-Prince #1) - Margo Ander It has been awhile since I read a straight up fantasy story, so I had a little trouble getting into it. I also had issues because of the words in the story. I think I was in chapter three before I could keep straight what some of the words were referring to. That, by the way, is my only complaint about this book. I would have loved a pronunciation guide for the words that are obviously part of the world created in the story. The difficulties I had were with how they were pronounced and whether the word was referring to an item, a country, or a clan. Once you get into the book, what the noun means becomes much clearer.

My only complaint lodged, this is a fantastic story. It is not a fast read, but it reminded me of how much I loved the Eragon series. The story is about a boy who believes himself to be a man since he has been raised among a rebel war party made up of brigands and thieves. He has been trained to defend himself by one of the best war generals of all time, but he has yet to develop the strength of a man. He is one of the bodyguards to Helgurdda, the rebel leader who intends to be the royenne (I take that to mean queen) of their country. She does have a claim to the crown, but due to the blood-feud that she has also vowed, she will never be royenne without completely overthrowing and killing the current royalty. In the beginning of the book, you learn about the blood-feud and how Wyl (the main character) has been raised. Then after becoming exiles, you learn how Wyl wasn't raised. You will also learn a few very important surprises about who he really is. Finally in part three, you learn what Wyl will probably become. The lasst part of the book flies by from all the action going on. I seriously had trouble putting it down once I got into it because I just had to know what was going to happen next. I guess I do have one more complaint about the book though, I don't want to wait for the second one to find out more. It's fabulous.

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To Love A Wolf - B.K. Walker This is a very quick, very adult read. I don't read a lot of stories from the male perspective, so that was very intriguing to me. Cevin, the main character, is experiencing some very weird, very realistic dreams. He and his fiance are attending medical, so for the most part he attributes these strange dreams to the stress of finals coming up. He is very surprised when he discovers that events in the dreams had actually happened to him leaving scars as proof. The good side? The dreams are completely sexual, so his love life with his fiance has taken a turn towards insistent. He wakes up from the dreams ready to go. Sam, his fiance, doesn't mind until she discovers the real reason for his unfulfilled state. Cevin also learns that his family has been keeping secrets from him, secrets that will change his life over the course of a handful of days. He has a destiny to become alpha of a wolf pack, a destiny he cannot deny or ignore. What I really liked about this story was the ending. I believe it has been written so that there can be a sequel, but you will be happy with the end either way.

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To Love A Wolf - B.K. Walker This is a very quick, very adult read. I don't read a lot of stories from the male perspective, so that was very intriguing to me. Cevin, the main character, is experiencing some very weird, very realistic dreams. He and his fiance are attending medical, so for the most part he attributes these strange dreams to the stress of finals coming up. He is very surprised when he discovers that events in the dreams had actually happened to him leaving scars as proof. The good side? The dreams are completely sexual, so his love life with his fiance has taken a turn towards insistent. He wakes up from the dreams ready to go. Sam, his fiance, doesn't mind until she discovers the real reason for his unfulfilled state. Cevin also learns that his family has been keeping secrets from him, secrets that will change his life over the course of a handful of days. He has a destiny to become alpha of a wolf pack, a destiny he cannot deny or ignore. What I really liked about this story was the ending. I believe it has been written so that there can be a sequel, but you will be happy with the end either way.

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From Frights to Flaws (Alyssa McCarthy’s Magical Missions Book One) - Sunayna Prasad This was a little out of my normal reading element. I decided that I would give a YA book a try since I haven't read many for a while, but I only liked the book rather than fell in love with it. It's a cute story about a girl who has had a rather rough life and then is thrown into the world of magic. She never believed magic existed, but the evidence piles up in such a way that she cannot deny the existence. What I was not crazy about was that I felt like every character that Alyssa ran into just told her exactly what she wanted to know. Bad guys typically don't confess everything that freely and there were so many good guys willing to help her out without Alyssa being anyone special in the magical world at all. I suppose that the way it is written is probably great for a preteen, I just wanted a little more suspense.

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Consequences - Liz Schulte It's been a while since I read the first two books in The Guardian Trilogy, but I have been anxiously awaiting the moment I had some free time to finish up the series. You can check out my reviews for books 1 and 2 on my blog.

The Guardian Trilogy is about Olivia and Holden. Olivia starts off as a human. She is strongly desired by Hell and the Jinni paired with her soul has no idea why. The guardian (a very low level angel) assigned to her has to try to keep the Jinni from influencing her in any way. This is particularly difficult when Olivia and Holden seem uncontrollably drawn to one another. It takes the death of Olivia's best friend to help her see the evil that lurks there. Inevitably she is killed, but Olivia was destined to become a guardian. Her previous guardian becomes her trainer and the two of them begin investigating the disappearances of other guardians who happen to be located in Chicago, the city Holden now controls as the Jinn leader. This is a summary of everything up to this book.

In the third installment, Olivia and Holden are reunited and in love as strong as they ever were. They deny their feelings as much as possible because they are on opposites sides, but their feelings for one another lead them to work together to continue the search for the guardian traitor. Holden agrees to help in hopes of keeping Olivia afterwards in his life. You will be shocked what the two of them and their close group of ragtag friends discover. Olivia is special in so many ways that you will continue to be on your toes wondering how things will turn out. Holden has become unique to his kind as well, and not just because he appears to have control over guardian. You'll have to read the series to find out all the details. It's an amazing trilogy. I wish there was more to read.

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Coveted - Stephanie   Nelson I just love this author so much. Every time I get a hold of one of her books, I end up ignoring my other responsibilities because I just HAVE to keep reading. This book is no exception. It had been a while since I read Craved or Deceived (books 1 and 2), but after a few short chapters, I was right back into the plot like it had been yesterday. At the end of the last book, Gwen, a witch turned Spirit Walker, had killed a vampire that was trying to turn her into a vampire hybrid only to return home to find Death waiting on her doorstep. I mean that literally. The Angel Death was waiting for her because he intended to move into her apartment in order to continue her training as a spirit walker. Dorian Hade is not who you would expect Death to be like. For one, he is amazingly hot. No woman would turn Death away if he looked like this man.And two, you learn that he has a softer side. It takes a long time for Gwen to see it and accept it, but once she does, whooooooa buddy! In the last book, you also learned that Gwen's vampire boyfriend was in on the plot to turn her into a hybrid because he selfishly wanted to make sure she lived as long as he did. He didn't ever want to be without her and even though she would live a few hundred years, he wasn't willing to accept that. Gwen spends a good portion of this book trying to make up her mind between Dorian and her ex. My vote was for Dorian the whole time because once trust is gone in a relationship, it's near impossible to get it back.

You ill absolutely love how this book plays out. The ending is fantastic and feels like the series is over. Then there's the epilogue...That little teaser is going to drive me crazy until the next book comes out! Just when I was feeling like everything was exactly the way it should be! Oh well. I have something to look forward to now. LOVE LOVE LOVE this book and this author.

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Death Dealer - Ashley Robertson A fast paced book about a new paranormal being, at least in my opinion. Mia and Deacon are Death Dealers. The best way I can describe them is to think of them as Reapers, but they aren't angels. These are people who have signed up to transport souls to the gates of their deserved afterlife. After they achieve a certain amount of control over their powers, they can become members of the Elite. From the Elite, if they survive, they can become a Death Angel, an actual reaper if I understand it right. Their life isn't simple. They are responsible for pulling souls out of some bodies and just catching them when they pop out of others. Delivering them to their gate (light of dark) is a challenge itself. They transport souls to the ghostly realm, but have to walk to the gate. On the way, demons just may attack to try to steal souls for the Abyss (i.e. Hell) in order to disrupt the balance between light and dark.

This story is about Mia's past human life combined with her very reason for turning into a Death Dealer. Deacon has been her partner for the difficult cases, but recently she has discovered an unusual feeling about him. Deacon has noticed the same feeling, but neither has confessed it. After a terrible battle with a demon, feelings come to light. I am not going to say anything more than that because I would ruin the entire story. It's a really good story. I really liked how the characters develop. It's well worth reading and a great example of Ashley Robertson's writing.

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